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AMP NEWS Template

AMP News Template by Lagioke is a top-quality AMP template for Blogger.com (Blogspot) websites. Its layout is simple but beautiful and practical, and it will for sure attract more people to your website by the combination of cutting edge material design and high loading speed.

AMPNews HTML Blogger Template, AMPNews is an stunning redesign of the MDCamp template. This updated versions is strongly improved and the developer has added additional AMP support to the template. Other updates can be found in the header, homepage, sidebar, footer, as well as improvements to the ArticleBody which where causing issues in the Accelerated Mobile Pages section in Google Search Console. Unlike the previous template, AMPNews uses material design for the template that makes loading quite fast. Next to this is this AMP template equipped with super optimized seo heading tags, valid schema.org item properties and fully AMP valid HTML.

With this AMP template also beginners can design an astounding and fast AMP valid website. Get ready to become an overnight AMP expert, as AMP Blogger Template is very user-friendly. This template is completely responsive and can be used for business website, personal, portfolio or any other website that you need to get AMP ready. For those who wish to learn more about AMP HTML and this template in specific, a detailed customization guide has been added below.

Flatform Type : Blogger AMP
Template Name : AMP NEWS Template
Intructions Detailed customization tips for this AMP Blogger Template can be found on the developer’s blog at Lagioke‘s blog. You will find tips how to change the logo icon of your blog, Google Site Verification, OpenGraph Facebook and Twitter preview settings. Kang also explains how to update the Google Analytics ID in the code snippet already integrated. Easily change the contents of the sidebar by editing the AMP code in the section to or Replace the DISQUS username for the comment section. But start with the following installation tips.
Author Name : Lagioke
Template Url : Lagioke
Feature 1. AMP Ready all pages
2. Fully Responsive
3. Super Seo Friendly
4. 3 Column on Homepage
5. 2 Column on Page
6. 1 Column on Static Page
7. Customize AMP Social Share button
8. Drop down menu
9. Slot ads ready
10. Material Icon
11. Related Post
12. And More…



AMP NEWS Template

AMP News Template by Lagioke is a top-quality AMP template for Blogger.com (Blogspot) websites. Its layout is simple but beautiful and practical, and it will for sure attract more people to your website by the combination of cutting edge material design and high loading speed.

AMPNews HTML Blogger Template, AMPNews is an stunning redesign of the MDCamp template. This updated versions is strongly improved and the developer has added additional AMP support to the template. Other updates can be found in the header, homepage, sidebar, footer, as well as improvements to the ArticleBody which where causing issues in the Accelerated Mobile Pages section in Google Search Console. Unlike the previous template, AMPNews uses material design for the template that makes loading quite fast. Next to this is this AMP template equipped with super optimized seo heading tags, valid schema.org item properties and fully AMP valid HTML.

With this AMP template also beginners can design an astounding and fast AMP valid website. Get ready to become an overnight AMP expert, as AMP Blogger Template is very user-friendly. This template is completely responsive and can be used for business website, personal, portfolio or any other website that you need to get AMP ready. For those who wish to learn more about AMP HTML and this template in specific, a detailed customization guide has been added below.

Flatform Type : Blogger AMP
Template Name : AMP NEWS Template
Intructions Detailed customization tips for this AMP Blogger Template can be found on the developer’s blog at Lagioke‘s blog. You will find tips how to change the logo icon of your blog, Google Site Verification, OpenGraph Facebook and Twitter preview settings. Kang also explains how to update the Google Analytics ID in the code snippet already integrated. Easily change the contents of the sidebar by editing the AMP code in the section to or Replace the DISQUS username for the comment section. But start with the following installation tips.
Author Name : Lagioke
Template Url : Lagioke
Feature 1. AMP Ready all pages
2. Fully Responsive
3. Super Seo Friendly
4. 3 Column on Homepage
5. 2 Column on Page
6. 1 Column on Static Page
7. Customize AMP Social Share button
8. Drop down menu
9. Slot ads ready
10. Material Icon
11. Related Post
12. And More…



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